up in the big smoke

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

o canada

i feel incredibly patriotic right now. i just went to a media launch for the new olympic clothing, since i work for the company (no, it's not roots). they showed the new uniforms and clothes, had some olympic athletes in attendance, and showed the new commercials that will be playing on tv soon. for anyone who knows me, i'm a pretty patriotic person to begin with, but going to this launch made me so proud to be canadian, so proud be to working for a company who is providing the clothing for the next 4 olympic games.

on a side note, anyone remember watching mark heese and john childs win bronze in beach volleyball in sydney? well, heese was one of the athletes there.

so when you see the clothes in the stores (should be by the end of this week, but that might be wishful thinking in terms of execution), buy something. support the store, support the athletes, feel proud to be canadian.

on another side note, who got a little tipsy on the wine at a work function? yeah, that would be me.


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