up in the big smoke

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

you know that show mtv live? the one with the guy who used to be on ytv? i'm going to one! alexisonfire is performing on sept 1st, and there were still spots available to be in the audience, so i'm going with 2 friends. i'm so excited.

on a unrelated note. what are the stages of a sunburn? i think i got burnt on friday, wasn't too thorough with the sunscreen, but i'm beginning to think it's not a burn anymore. right now it's still kinda reddish, but also really really itchy. but my skin isn't peeling either. is this a sunburn? or should i go see the doctor about it? and if it is a burn, what do i do about it? i rarely burn in the sun (maybe it has happened once before), i usually just get darker!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

ask me...

what time i left work today...7:15 pm

what time i ate a meal today...8:00 pm

if i'm a workaholic...yes

if that's by choice...sometimes

if i have a life...no

if i want to continue like this...no

if i see an end to this pattern...not in the near future

i do this to myself.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

jam packed weekend

wow, long time no post...

i had a full weekend last week.

friday was the taste of the danforth. it's basically like the taste of edmonton, but all greek food, and in toronto. there were lots of people there too. it was good, but nothing especially special, so i don't think i'll make it a yearly tradition to go.

saturday was wakestock. the wakeboarding competition. it was cool, but i was mainly there for the music. and out of all the bands playing that day, i just really wanted to see sloan, and they didn't disappoint. i don't pretend to be a big fan of their music. i think i have one or two of their CDs only, but i have seen them play live a few times and their live show is always really good. there just fun people and their songs are really good. i should really be a bigger fan. the wakeboarding was cool, but i couldn't really see, and we got there late, so missed some competitions. otherwise, there was way more than wakeboarding. there was a skatepark, motorcross, and some tents set up to sell stuff. also saw a banana split eating competition.

sunday was the rogers cup final. i had planned to go to watch the rogers cup for months, so we went to the finals. it was roger federer vs richard gasquet. richard who? well he put up a good fight. he won the first set easily, federer wasn't on his 'A' game, but came back and won the last 2 sets. this is a pic of federer serving. it was fun to watch tennis in person, too bad the men and women switch between toronto and montreal each year for the rogers cup. if i want to watch mens again next year, i have to go to montreal. i really wanted to watch roddick play, but i think he withdrew from competition before the tournament started. and it would have been nice to see agassi play before he retired, but he withdrew as well.

weekend's over, now it's back to the daily grind....