up in the big smoke

Saturday, March 01, 2008

concert count

#41: Matt Costa (27-Feb-08) - The Phoenix

what a long concert drought!!!!! i blame it on the winter, everyone seems to go into hibernation.

i bought tickets to this show months ago, mainly because i've always wanted to check out a matt costa show, and partially because i was just itching to go to a concert (and the tickets were cheap).

even though i didn't know much of his music, i've heard good things about his show, and his connection to jack johnson automatically earns points in my books.

but poor matt costa got all his gear stolen after his show in winnipeg, and then after that, they got into an accident and their van did a few flips on the road. the keyboard player was hurt, i think. but like a true dedicated artist, the show must go on. and i'm glad it did. his music and his live show is so entertaining. he just has happy music, something you can tap your foot to, and leave it on in the background for any occassion.

apparently he was either drunk or high at the calgary show, but he seemed sober in toronto. for the last song before the encore, all these people, whom i assume is part of his crew and their significant others, came out to help sing, clap, and play the tambourine. i liked that because it seemed like they were having so much fun. i actually recognized more songs than i thought i would, which is always a plus at a show.

once again, the phoenix is an awesome venue for shows. love the small club show. great show to end the drought.

next on deck: kanye west and the glow in the dark tour with rihanna, lupe fiasco, and N.E.R.D.! just got tickets today for the show in may at the molson amphitheatre. solid line up. solid venue.


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