up in the big smoke

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

you know that show mtv live? the one with the guy who used to be on ytv? i'm going to one! alexisonfire is performing on sept 1st, and there were still spots available to be in the audience, so i'm going with 2 friends. i'm so excited.

on a unrelated note. what are the stages of a sunburn? i think i got burnt on friday, wasn't too thorough with the sunscreen, but i'm beginning to think it's not a burn anymore. right now it's still kinda reddish, but also really really itchy. but my skin isn't peeling either. is this a sunburn? or should i go see the doctor about it? and if it is a burn, what do i do about it? i rarely burn in the sun (maybe it has happened once before), i usually just get darker!


  • yes and yes. i like dan and johnny on mtv.

    By Blogger diana, at 8:41 PM  

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