up in the big smoke

Monday, July 17, 2006

what's the deal with...

...the ridiculous heat, humidity and smog in toronto. it has been scorching these past two days. temperatures around 34 degrees and over 40 with humidity. on the worst days, there are heat, humidity and smog alerts. i'd like to call it the triple threat. thank goodness for air conditioning. i thought i'd try to sleep without it last night, but i think i lasted about 5 mins before i had to turn it on. so much for conserving energy.

...the new fad of wearing thick belts right under your boobs? i'm all for the empire waist, but not when you create it yourself. i really don't understand this trend, it just looks ridiculous. it's part of this new 80's revival of fashion. it looked ridiculous back then, and it still looks ridiculous now. i completely believe that belts are an accessory item for women, and not a necessity. your pants should never be that big that you need a belt to keep them up, its purpose is to complete an outfit. but not up around your rib cage.

...wireless bluetooth technology. great for driving, but unnecessary when you're just walking around on the streets and your hands are completely free. does it really take that much energy to hold a phone up to your ear? if you can't do that, you shouldn't be talking on the phone.

this concludes the random rants for today.


  • Bluetooth phone people still freak me out, I see people talking to themselves on the street and I don't think "wireless", I think "crazy".

    By Blogger Matt Lam, at 3:54 AM  

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