up in the big smoke

Sunday, July 02, 2006

finished my first 10km run

i did it!!! woo hoo!!

i finished in 1:09:24.2. our run clinic trainer had predicted that we would finished between 1:10 to 1:15, so i hit that mark. i ran with a friend the whole way, and stuck to our regiment of running 9 mins and walking 1 min. we did that 7 times, and finished the run. i didn't have a time goal before the race because i really just wanted to finish it since i have never done anything like this before, but i wanted to stick to the 9 and 1s our trainer set out for us. i must say though, sometimes that 1 min of walking couldn't come fast enough and definitely wasn't long enough!

here are some of my stats:

total money raised: $605 (all proceeds to canadian amateur athletes - part of Hbc's commitment to support amateur athletes and the olympics)
place (total runners): 831 out of 1042 (at least i wasn't last, phew!)
place (total females): 366 out of 524
place (total category: women 19-29): 107 out of 138
pace km: 0:07:06
official time: 1:10:50.7
chip time: 1:09:20.3 (it took over a minute before i crossed the start line because there were so many people, so the chip time is from the timing chip attached to my shoe, it starts timing when i cross the mat at the start line, and stops when i cross again at the finish line)

the first place runner finished the run in 0:30:20.8. the course is 5 km one way, and turning around to run the 5 km back. the 1st place runner lapped us when we were at 3km, and he just hit the 7 km mark. when we were at our last km, he was already at his car and cheering for us as we ran past him.

the last place runner finished in 1:46:16.4. i think she was one of the speed walkers, which is pretty incredible.

there were olympic athletes at the finish line who gave us the finisher's medals, which was pretty neat. i will hang that medal somewhere proudly.

so thanks to everyone who supported me, either through a pledge and/or words of encouragement. i'm not too sore the day after the run, but i feel really proud that i actually did it. i might just make this an annual tradition and try to improve my time each year.


  • Congrats on finishing it with a great time!!!

    By Blogger Rosanna =), at 10:27 PM  

  • I'm inspired! I was just at the Running Room they opened in South Common today. I'm not entirely sure I'm interested in running a marathon, though you've inspired me to push myself harder on my treadmill...while I watch any Matthew McConaughey movie.....Congrats!!!

    By Blogger Kathy, at 10:30 PM  

  • 4km in mid-twenties is pretty good, that's better than my time. if you still run at the same pace, you could probably finish 10km in less than an hour. my friend who ran all the way finished in 51 mins.

    i watched two matthew mcconaughey movies this weekend! rented failure to launch and watched how to lose a guy in 10 days on tv.

    By Blogger diana, at 11:34 AM  

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