up in the big smoke

Friday, June 23, 2006

just another day at work

today at lunch, a few friends and i went down to the store to watch a fashion show.

a men's underwear fashion show.

it's pride week, so the fashion show had drag queens and the hot models in skimpy underwear. i was a little embarrassed watching such a fashion show, but it was still fun. last year, when i was working in the store, i got to help out on the two fashion shows we had for pride week, which was even more fun. i got to be a dresser, which meant i handed the model the clothes to change into while he takes off the clothes he was wearing. pretty much the only time in my life i'll be telling a model to take off their clothes.

the pride parade is this sunday and i might go and check it out with some friends.

i heard on the radio or on tv that the government (conservative, mind you) is starting a marketing campaign to attract homosexuals to come and vacation in canada. turns out the average gay person will spend $5000/week while on vacation, whereas the average straight person only spends $1500/week. how they collect this information, who knows.

every week should be pride week if there's going to be underwear fashion shows all the time.


  • "Hey, fags! Come to Canada and spend your homo-bucks! But don't stay! And no gay-PDA in the streets! And by the time we launch this ad campaign, we'll have rescinded the gay marriage bill just to protect our sacred marriage rights from you corrupting it with impure love! But totally come spend your money here! After all, your money is worth just as much as a straight persons! Unless you're planning a wedding. Then it's worthless, you godless heathans."

    Ya, I think the converatives could sell that well.

    By Blogger Ryan, at 10:17 PM  

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