up in the big smoke

Sunday, May 21, 2006

year in review

i have officially been in toronto for a year now. time flies. here's my year in review...

i was lucky enough to find some great roommates. we get along so well, i attribute it to the fact we're all from edmonton and have similar personalities. none of us are particularly picky and are pretty laidback. we haven't had one fight or argument. when i found out i was moving to toronto, i thought i would want to live by myself, have my own apartment and do the whole grown up thing, but now i'm glad i have roommates. it's just nice to not come home to an empty house. that being said, when we all move out next year, i'll probably live by myself.

work is going quite well. my training program ends this month, which is sooner than the 18 months i originally signed up for. there's always good and bad things about work, but overall, i enjoy it.

i've said it before, the best part of living in toronto are all the concerts. so looking back at my past concert count entries, i've been to 12 concerts in the past year. one a month, that's decent, but i wish it was even higher. right now, i have tickets to 4 upcoming shows: arctic monkeys, lifehouse, red hot chili peppers, and an outdoor festival type thing with broken social scene, feist, and a few other groups i don't know.

had a few visitors in the past year, which is nice. my parents came with my grandma, and some of my closest friends. went to montreal for the first time, which was great. the bad part about living away from home is that i always have to use some of my vacation time to go back home, which is fine, but if i lived and worked in the same city as my family and friends, i could actually use vacation days for vacations. but i'd be living in a dream world if i thought that would ever happen.

cooking is still not my biggest strength. that's why sometimes i end up eating cereal for dinner.

i still hate the PST.

toronto is a cool city and it's fun to be living here now when i'm young, but i don't see myself living here forever. i always say i'm in toronto indefinitely, not permanently. i say this now, maybe i'll change my mind in the next 12 months i'm living here.


  • Holy shit....I can't believe you've been in TO for a year now!! Next year we should all go to Vegas and you can meet us there. We just have to plan it around Ed's school. Grandma can go to Vancouver since it would be too hectic for her. I think mom & dad would have fun in Vegas with us.

    By Blogger Rosanna =), at 9:23 PM  

  • who would look after the dogs if you went on vacation at the same time as mom and dad?

    i totally want to go to vegas!

    By Blogger diana, at 12:06 AM  

  • Chili Peppers.. I'm going to that too, but I am not really excited for them. Mars Volta is where it's at!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:43 AM  

  • I may be joining you in the TeeDot come next year.

    By Blogger Ryan, at 4:43 AM  

  • I eat cereal for dinner as well :)

    By Blogger Ida's Studio, at 7:04 AM  

  • we would have to board them at a kennel.
    I didn't get chili peppers tix this time around....I was working that saturday and they were sold out by the time I checked ticketmaster.
    Ok, we should totally plan for vegas then!

    By Blogger Rosanna =), at 12:01 PM  

  • ryan - why are you coming to toronto? school?

    michael - who's in the mars volta again? i remember their name for some reason.

    rose - you're going to miss a good show. i thought you were so excited to hear that the chili peppers were coming back.

    By Blogger diana, at 9:36 PM  

  • Ya.
    Good chance I will end up at Ryerson after next year.
    If that happens and you are still there, I'm tasking you with the job of finding me a decent, cheap apartment.

    By Blogger Ryan, at 8:55 PM  

  • what are you taking at ryerson?

    decent, cheap apartments are hard to find in downtown toronto. you might need to find a roommate. hey wait, i'm moving out next year after my roommates are done school, we should live together! nah, maybe that would be weird.

    By Blogger diana, at 9:46 PM  

  • lol. u eat cereal for dinner sometimes? I totally hear ya about using up vacation days to go back home. wished everyone jumped on the bandwagon to move to YVR.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:58 AM  

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