a little less wise missing 4 teeth
the dentist requires someone to pick you up after the surgery, but since everyone i know was working, i said i would walk home. the office is literally 2 blocks away from my house, but the nurse wasn't going to allow that, so i said taxi. in retrospect, in my half-dazed state, i'm pretty sure the nurse walked me home. i don't know if she offered, or i just started walking when i got downstairs to the street and she had no choice but to follow me. i will have to bring her flowers to thank her.
i also loaded up on liquid food. i have juice, ice cream, and cans of boost. not a huge pudding fan. but right now, over 12 hours after my surgery, i'm not swollen at all. i'm not quite sure if i can eat solid food yet, but i don't look like a chipmunk. bonus. my food intake today consisted of orange juice and ice cream.
my trip to vancouver was spectacular. it was like old times being with the gang, but we're all grown up (in age, not necessarily in maturity sometimes) and living in different cities. it's still nice to get together whenever we can though. we said we should make a pact to all go somewhere together every year, but not to one of the cities we live in. somewhere different. that would be fun. i didn't plan this trip very well because there were other people in vancouver that i didn't even get a chance to see, sorry guys.
this trip has also made me want to move to vancouver faster. i've said before that i want to eventually live in vancouver. i've never thought toronto would be my home forever, and i consider myself to be here indefinitely, not permanently. but who knows what will happen. maybe the only reason i have such fond memories of vancouver is because i've always had a good time with the people i go with. it might be different to live there. although i don't think it would be drastically different.
we played this PS2 game at a friend's house called karaoke revolution. it's basically dance dance revolution, but singing. and the game judges you on it. i'm not a good singer, but i love to sing in the car, etc. i love this game, i wish i knew someone who had it and loved playing it as much as my friend did. rose and matt - you guys should get this game. and ed - they make an xbox version. the game has really new songs too, not just oldies.
i'm so not tired right now, hence the late night posting. i guess sleeping for 8 hours in the middle of the day will do that to you.
yo, i've had karaoke revolution for months, fo real
ed, at 2:40 AM
damnit. did you buy it after i left? i can't wait to come home and play it now.
diana, at 11:12 AM
i would only buy it if it has backstreet boys songs HAHAHAHAHAHA
Swedish Sensation, at 12:14 PM
i saw karaoke revolution when i was searching for katamari in the K section!! maybe I WILL buy it!! hahahaha
Being sedated and high is an awesome feeling...=P
Rosanna =), at 12:45 PM
omg, I want to buy a ps2 so I can play Katamari!
Anonymous, at 6:45 PM
michael, we should book a date so you can come over and play katamari with me cuz matt doesn't enjoy it as much as I do!! we can have a play date! hahaha
Then we'll go over to ed's and play karaoke revolution...hahaha
Rosanna =), at 10:27 PM
hahah! I am so down for that, where did you find it? I checked BestBuy but it wasn't there.
do you have the 1st one or the 2nd one?
Anonymous, at 5:14 AM
I probably bought the last one at bestbuy!! I have the second one. It was under "W" for We heart Katamari.
Rosanna =), at 1:31 AM
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