up in the big smoke

Sunday, June 25, 2006

concert count

#14: Broken Social Scene, Feist, Bloc Party and others (24-June-06) - Olympic Island

this was an all day outdoor music festival, and from what i gather, something broken social scene has organized for the past 3 years on centre island. i was pretty excited just to go hang outside and listen to music. we missed most of the random bands at the beginning (a DJ and a band named raising the fawn), caught a guy named j mascis, then feist, bloc party and broken social scene.

i thought feist was great, she had the flu, but still sounded amazing. she tried to get the crowd to sing with her, but it was a pretty weak effort. there was a bit of clapping in unison too, but if you have read my previous post on music notes, you'd know if i partook in the clapping or not.

we were basically lining up for food the whole time bloc party were performing, but they sounded good. i have their CD, but just haven't really gotten into their music, so i didn't really care that we were waiting for food while they were on stage.

and broken social scene were cool too. they're one of those bands where they get lots of good press and lots of people like them, but they're always one of those bands on my "to check out" list, but haven't gotten around to doing so yet. i bought one of their t-shirts though at the merch tent. i feel like such a poser because it's not like i'm a big fan, i just liked the shirt. oh well.

i think i saw k-os in the pizza pizza line too. or at least it was someone who looked him. he asked the guy two spots in front of him to buy him pizza so he didn't have to wait in line. if it was k-os, that's very rockstar of him to bud in line like that.

all in all, great day, great show. my best friends at the show: water and sunscreen.


  • Dude, that is like my dream show. I'll have your BSS shirt if you don't want it

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:04 AM  

  • me=jealous. feist and broken social scene in one show? why am i still in edmonton? and raising the fawn is actually a really good band, too. 'the north sea' is probably their best album.. put that one on your 'to check out' list, too!

    i'm fully jealous, but at least edmonton has... well, not much. heh.. but i'm glad to hear that you're getting to see so many great shows!


    By Blogger jh.., at 3:30 PM  

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