up in the big smoke

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

the fun never ends

yesterday i watched the making of the new alexisonfire video on mtv and then watched them on much on demand. dallas was hilarious at the video shoot. this girl was putting dirt on his clothes to try and make them look dirtier, and he started pretending to pose for a calendar. yes i know, i'm biased. he could have been sitting still on tv for 10 minutes and i would find it amazing.

some might think it's getting to the point of overkill with all the aof stuff, but not me. keep it coming.

and i just heard on the radio today that billy talent is doing a small club show on boxing day in support of a charity the drummer aaron set up for MS. he has MS. he named the organization FUMS. i think it's pretty self-explanatory what it stands for. not only is it a show with billy talent, but moneen and alexisonfire are playing as well! the show sold out in 8 minutes, which isn't surprising. i'm not in town on boxing day, so i can't go anyways. but it would have been a good show.

going on this billy talent/aof theme. i just found out that billy talent was a surprise special guest at the first aof show last week. that would have been an awesome surprise. i've seen billy talent at the horseshoe tavern, and it's awesome seeing a show at a small club.

ok peeps, for the 10 people who read this blog. i think this is the end of all the alexisonfire/dallas green obsession posts.

on an unrelated note, so looking forward to going home on friday. rose - don't forget to pick me up at the airport!

Monday, December 18, 2006

good things come in threes

is that how the saying goes? who cares!

either way, i rounded out my alexisonfire weekend by going to the autograph session today.

starting top right, then going clockwise, is chris, then wade (he seems to like to sign with his birth year as well), jordan, george, and dallas in the middle.

i didn't think i would be able to go b/c i'd have to leave work relatively on time, which is almost impossible on a monday. but i kept thinking about it, so i just decided to leave and then go back to work after the signing. now, i believe in signs. and i got two signs that i should go to the signing today. first, while i walk to work, i listen to my ipod. it was left on the playlist where i have all alexisonfire and city and colour songs, on shuffle. out of the 5 songs i listened to, 3 of them were my favourites from last night's show. this is kind of a stretch to call it a sign, but while i was walking, i was hoping those songs would play. then, while i was walking to the signing, thinking i was too late, i passed by a shop who had speakers outside, and they were playing a city and colour song! now that was a sign that i would get there in time.

they were only going to be there 'til 5:30, and i left my office at 5, got there in 10 minutes, thinking there'd be a huge line up and that i'd be turned away. but when i got there, there was maybe 2o kids standing outside. correction, 19 kinds and 1 old guy. i take solace in the fact that i wasn't the oldest person in line. who cares about the fact that he was getting the CD signed for his 14 year old niece! i was outside for maybe 15 minutes, then i got to go inside.

when i got near the table. i could see the band looking at me. most likely not in the "who's that hot girl" kind of way, but more like "who's that girl who doesn't belong" kind of way. keep in mind, i was coming from work, so i'm in black pants, my black peacoat, and a pink pashmina type scarf. i wasn't dressed in skinny jeans, chuck taylors, or had my hair brushed over my face. nevermind the fact i could possibly be anywhere between 5-8 years older the average person who was there. when i was still waiting, there was a girl who came out and was freaking out and almost hyperventilating. thank goodness i wasn't like that.

like the angels and airwaves autograph session blog entry, i will recreate the dialogue between me and the band.

me: hi.
wade: hi.
me: how are you?
wade: good.
me: thanks. (move to chris) hi.
chris: hi.
me: thanks. (move to jordan) hi.
jordan: hi.
me: thanks. (move to george) hi.
george: hi.
me: thanks. (move to dallas) hi.
dallas: hi.
me: thanks. have a good day.
dallas: thanks, you too.

i knew i had to say something more to dallas, but all i could come up with was "have a good day"?!?! at least i didn't blurt out "i love you," although that would have been both mortifying and hilarious.

so that rounds out my alexisonfire weekend. two great shows, and i got my cd signed. here's hoping the next time i get to meet them i come up with something wittier to say than "have a good day."

concert count

#19: Alexisonfire (17-Dec-06) - Kool Haus

ok, so this was the 2nd alexisonfire show i went to this weekend, and they did not disappoint. you might think that going to 2 shows by the same band within 2 days of each other is crazy, but it was great. they had a different set list as the show on friday, and they sang my favourite song (rough hands)! dallas also did a solo of 'side walk when she walks' and that's what this picture is of. i've seen him do this at aof shows on youtube, so i was very excited that he did it at this show.

george was rockin' his denim cut off shorts again. this was show 4 of 6 in a row for them, and their energy level was still at a peak.

learning my lesson from the last show, i got there a little early for this show. i thought there was only one opening band, but there ended up being two, and the show started later than the friday show, so i actually saw both opening acts. attack in black was really good (bought their EP at the merch stand), and fucked up wasn't really my cup of tea, the music was great, but i couldn't understand anything the singer was singing. george came out to sing a bit of one song with them.

one of my favourite things at concerts is people watching. there was this lesbian head banging couple who were standing in the same vicinity and totally head banging when aof started playing. i didn't know people still head band. one girl was so into it, she was basically bent at the waist and her top half of her body was parallel to the floor while she was going crazy.

there was also this asshole guy picking a fight with some random guy. this guy who was standing behind me told the security guard, and he kept watching the guy, and the first sign of trouble, he kicked him out. dude was probably too drunk.

part of the aof extended family is an organization called 'skate 4 cancer.' it was an organization started by this guy who decided to skate across north america to raise money for cancer research. so he was there selling merchandise as well. check out http://www.skate4cancer.com/ to learn more about rob's dream. he was at his own merch stand selling his s4c shirts.

so that's the end of my 2 aof shows in dec. i'm so glad i bought tickets to more than one show. and in all honesty, i wouldn't mind going to more. the amount of energy at these shows were amazing. lots of bands/musicians thank the audience for their support, but i really feel like the aof guys are humbled by their fans. during this show, dallas thanked everyone for coming out, and said that george always say that they're just 5% of the band and the other 95% are the fans. here's to the next aof or city and colour show i go to...

this 2nd picture was the one i took at the phoenix. i was closer to the stage at this show, so i'm really happy about how this picture turned out. it is now the background picture on my phone. i took both of these pictures with my phone, pretty impressive camera. just in case you didn't figure it out already, that's dallas.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

concert count

#18: Alexisonfire (15-Dec-06) - Phoenix Concert Theatre

this was my 1st of 2 alexisonfire shows i'm going to, and it was great. granted, i got there late and missed part of the beginning, but i wasn't too concerned with that b/c i knew i'd be seeing them again in 2 days, so i'll just make sure i get there earlier.

it was a great show. lots of energy. also an all ages show, which meant all the kiddies were out in full force. i love seeing the kids sing and get so into the music and move their head to the beat. but i don't like the rowdy kids who think it's cool to act like they're still in the mosh pit when they're not.

aof played 'happiness by the kilowatt,' which is my favourite song from 'watch out!' but they didn't play 'rough hands,' which is my favourite song from the new album. or maybe they played it earlier and i missed it. who knows. i'll find out on sunday, i guess.

the show started super early, and i totally miscalculated how long the opening band would be on stage. hence, arriving late. so the show ended super early too. when it was all said and done, probably finished by 9:15 after the encore. we grabbed a drink after the show, and were out of there by 9:30. i got some half decent pictures with my phone, so when i figure out how to transfer them to my computer, i'll post them. and of course, i had to stand on the side of the stage that dallas is at. he was awesome. during one song he was singing, not playing at that moment, i don't want to say he was dancing b/c that probably wasn't his intention, but he just looked really cute b/c you could tell he was so into it and enjoyed performing so much.

they're also filming these 6 club shows they're doing in toronto for a dvd, so i can't wait for that to come out. even though i don't have many of those concert dvds, i would definitely get them for a show i was at.

a friend of mine came with me, and she does not like aof at all (she's a country fan), but she said she enjoyed the concert. she's still not going to run out and buy their cd, but it was better than she thought it would be. of course it was, i wouldn't expect anything less.

the venue was also really good. a smaller club, so it was easy to see. but lots of people, and lots of sweaty people, so that was gross. and the mosh pit was quite big for the space. i like seeing different venues i've never been to before.

great show. can't wait til sunday for the repeat.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

big ups update

finally got my chart magazine in the mail yesterday and in the article about dallas, he talks about how he was at west edmonton mall (which he called "the edmonton mall") and he was walking past the skating rink and 'save your scissors' was playing, and he was weirded out by it.

this has nothing to do with me, but yay for edmonton! i'm just excited he shared a story about edmonton and it was a good one!

the end of the year issue of chart is always good. everyone should go pick up a copy.

one of my favourite sections of every chart is the last section called "the grist 13 and the shitty 7." basically they list out 13 cool things, and 7 shitty things. always included is the insult of the month (this month "blingtard"). my favourites from this month: from the grist 13 - "guyliner. do it to freak out your parents. do it to pick up goth chicks." from the shitty 7 - "tic tac citrus. about as flavourful as sucking on a hobo's toe."

k-fed was named grist man of the year. "hands up if you're reading this and you were on CSI this year. yeah. thought not." so true.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

big ups

a big shout out to dallas green for being chosen as chart magazine's artist of the year. i can't wait for my copy to come in the mail now.

i also read that alexisonfire is doing an autograph session at a skate shop on queen street on dec 18. i'd love to go, but i'm a little hesitant because:

a) i'm going to be the oldest person there (even though i'm not old at all!), i'll feel so cheesy.

b) i wouldn't know what to say, and will probably act like a giggling schoolgirl.

c) i might be so stunned, i'll freeze up.

d) i'll have to leave work early (really, that's the least of my worries).

e) i'll embarrass myself.

who am i kidding? i'll probably end up going regardless.