up in the big smoke

Friday, March 02, 2007

ludicrous contest

i was on the subway one day and noticed an ad. it was from the canadian cancer society and was a contest they were promoting called 'driven to quit.' basically, they're encouraging people to quit smoking by entering this contest. you have to register before feb 28, and have to quit smoking for the month of march. after the month is over, they randomly draw a name, do a urine test to prove the person has actually quit smoking, get verification from their chosen "buddy," and ask a skill-testing question.

but get this, the grand prize is a car! a 2007 acura csx. and there are some secondary prizes of 32" LCD TVs.

so i'm all for getting people to quit smoking. i personally do not smoke, but know people who do. but to reward someone with a car or tv to stop doing something they personally CHOOSE to do, is completely ludicrous. and who's to say the winner doesn't start smoking again after they win?

what's next? the heart and stroke foundation giving away trips to people who lose weight to lessen their chances of a heart attack?

i understand smoking is highly addictive and a difficult habit to kick. but i really don't think giving away a car is incentive for people to make a long term life change. sure, they'll try to kick the habit for march, but after the contest is over, how does the cancer society help people not to start smoking again?

i'm sure other gimmicks have been tried before to entice people to quit smoking, and maybe i'm being too cynical, but i have a real problem with this contest. why doesn't anyone offer a car to non-smokers who don't start smoking?!

i know some intelligent people read my blog. thoughts?

check out www.driventoquit.ca if you want to learn more about the contest.



  • If they just randomly draw a name and do a pee test at the END of the contest, then what's stopping me, a non-smoker, from entering? I don't even have to do anything to pass the pee test!

    When I first read your title, I read it as "Ludacris contest" and I was all stoked....hahahaha

    By Blogger Rosanna =), at 9:20 AM  

  • good point about the contest.

    i had to look up how to spell ludicrous correctly b/c i only could think of it spelled ludacris! LUDA!

    By Blogger diana, at 1:03 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger diana, at 1:03 PM  

  • ya, i would've entered that shit. i'd just be like, "i used to smoke 3 packs a day, but now i quit cold turkey, good for me, now give me a car"

    i thought it was a luda contest too.

    By Blogger ed, at 9:29 PM  

  • I LOVE that Luda/MJB song!!!

    By Blogger Rosanna =), at 9:34 PM  

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