up in the big smoke

Sunday, March 05, 2006

concert count

#8: Bedouin Soundclash (04-Mar-06) - The Docks

bad picture, sorry.

i'm not a big fan of reggae music, but i wanted to check out bedouin anyways. it was a good show because it's happy music, but just not something i'd listen to regularly either. they had a DJ open for them, mike relm from san francisco. he was pretty cool too.

when we got there, we were going into the alcohol area (it was an all ages show), and the bouncer told us about the VIP area upstairs we could go to, so we went. it was good because we could see the stage much better and weren't squished with everyone on the main floor. then some other guy asked if we wanted some of his joint, i passed. say no to drugs, kids.

i almost feel bad for bedouin because i just saw city and colour and loved him, so it was hard for any concert to live up to that. would it be crazy to go to the last city and colour show tomorrow and see if i can get tickets from a scalper? i'm going to do it.

next up: james blunt in two weeks.


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