up in the big smoke

Monday, September 25, 2006

concert count

#17: Red Hot Chili Peppers (25-Sep-06) - Air Canada Centre

well, this concert wasn't much to write home about. i was a little disappointed, and maybe i had too high of expectations, or maybe i was just too tired from work to be really in concert mentality.

first of all, what is with the abundance of weed at concerts? does it really enhance the experience? because it ruins mine when everyone around you is getting high.

one major reason why this concert wasn't great was the sound. the volume on anthony keidis's mic was kinda low and sometimes you couldn't even hear him. he was still really hot though. but like my comment about john mayer, he also needs a haircut. something like what he had in the otherside video. that was hot. he still had lots of energy to dance around stage though.

the best part was actually the encore. john and chad came out first and did two short covers of sunday bloody sunday and went right into smells like teen spirit. and then flea and anthony joined them on stage for a few more songs. the light show was also quite impressive, as michael mentioned in his posting.

the funniest part was this guy sitting beside me got so drunk that he passed out during the encore! hilarious! i didn't even realize until the lights came on and we were all getting up to leave, and he was hunched over in his seat sleeping.

another sign that i'm getting old: i can't stand for a whole concert. my legs were getting all sore halfway through it, and i was already dreading it when people started standing at the beginning of the show. just can't do it anymore.

so all in all, not the best show i've been to. definitely not as good as the first time i saw them at the coliseum in edmonton.

next up on deck: nothing! i think this may be the first time i don't have any concert scheduled while reviewing the last one i went to. oh no!

in unrelated music news - i just about freaked out when marco told me dallas green was at his store in edmonton over the weekend. i can't believe it. so close, yet so far. but he didn't even talk to him! i'm surprised dallas didn't go up to marco and tell him to stop copying him and wearing tight jeans. why can't i run into dallas randomly on the streets? although, i might faint.


  • i think its odd that the chili peppers weren't that great. when we saw them couple years ago, they were awesome!

    By Blogger Swedish Sensation, at 9:00 PM  

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