i stopped into HMV on my way home to pick up a few CDs. i hadn't bought any new CDs since september b/c of my shopping fast in october. i had a few in mind that i wanted to get, and i knew i'd find a few more once i was there.
10-15 mins in the store, i had 7 CDs in my hand, and i'm sure i could have found more if i didn't make myself go to the checkout. and i had a few i wanted to find, but forgot the names.
these are the CDs i bought, quite a mix, i think:
- illscarlett
- damien rice
- +44
- matt mays
- matt mays + el torpedo
- chantal kreviazuk (got tickets to her show in feb!)
- john legend
$99 for 7 CDs, that's a pretty good deal.
i could technically save some money and download these albums instead of buying them. but i don't download as much as people might assume i do, since i listen to so much music and love it so much. these are a few reasons why:
a) unless someone shows me how to download music, from which sites, and where i can find it on my computer, i'm too lazy/technologically deficient to figure it out myself. my friend's brother set it all up on my computer for me and showed me how to do it.
b) i don't know how much of the revenue from CD sales actually goes back to the artist (i think they make their money from touring, not so much CD sales), but i feel bad for downloading sometimes. but only certain artists. for example, i had no qualms about downloading the killers, but i didn't want to download matt mays. depending on the artist, i would consider downloading first, and then buying their CD.
c) i like having the actual CD in my hand, looking at the pictures, and reading the liner notes, thank yous, and lyrics. having a big music selection on my computer is not as satisfying as seeing my CD collection grow. i've made a rough estimate and i think i have approximately 320 CDs right now.
so that's my music update for now. i think i'm in the wrong industry. as much as i love shopping, i think it'd be so much cooler to work in the music industry. or for a music retailer. hmmmm....
(btw, i hope everyone watched those two city and colour videos)