up in the big smoke

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

he came back

today at lunch, a friend and i were walking outside since it was such a nice day. waiting on the corner waiting to cross the street, all of a sudden there was this massive police motorcade coming through, and blocked off this intersection for these black SUVs to go through.

who was so important to block off a busy toronto downtown intersection at lunch? i'm pretty sure it was arnold schwarzenegger. he's in town for some reason. and i'm pretty sure i saw his tanned forehead in the back of the SUV b/c the window was partially rolled down.

would they have done that if the governor of california wasn't a movie star as well? i doubt it.

oh arnie.


  • maybe he left his steroids at the hotel and he needed them.

    apparently he's here to discuss stem cell research & the environment.

    AND eat at his fave restaurant...A&W.

    - Amburgers & Wootbeer ( in an Arnie voice )

    By Blogger Swedish Sensation, at 7:46 PM  

  • a "non-moviestar" governor would probably be less recognizable and therefore wouldn't NEED extra security detail.

    hahahaha...I love that A&W joke....never gets old.

    By Blogger Rosanna =), at 12:44 AM  

  • Should I ask why you could recognize Arnold purely by his forehead? Dare I say, the black SUVs may have been there to protect him from people like...well, you. >_>

    Okay I'm too tired, that sounded funnier in my head...

    By Blogger Matt Lam, at 3:25 AM  

  • hahaha, i saw a tanned forehead (he's got quite the receding hairline) and i assumed it was him. but who knows, maybe it wasn't and i was just hoping it was.

    if he's here to discuss the environment, that's ironic. isn't it him who convinced the hummer people to make hummers for regular people and not just the military?

    By Blogger diana, at 9:03 AM  

  • I think that Arnie doesn't pull enough weight to be able to talk Hummer to mass produce a vehicle. I would like to think that they would have made their own decision....otherwise Arnie should talk to Iran and tell them he thinks they should shut down the nukes haha.

    By Blogger Swedish Sensation, at 7:25 PM  

  • his hummer is powered by vegetable oil or something

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:09 PM  

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