up in the big smoke

Sunday, December 11, 2005

chivalry is not dead

i believe in equal pay and all that, but other than that, i'm not a feminist to any extent of the word. i remember my english 101 prof was a hardcore feminist, she'd call her husband her partner, which made me think she was a lesbian. but it turned out she wasn't. i remember she was against being referred to as a lady because she somehow thought it was condescending, but i like being called a lady.

and chivalry should never end. i have a friend who would open car doors for girls, and not just dates either. it's not necessary, but the gesture is thoughtful. i was walking around downtown toronto with another friend one day, and he would automatically walk on the outside of the sidewalk. i didn't really notice until he had done it a few times. again, i thought the gesture was thoughtful.

even when i'm getting on the subway, and guys let me go on first, i appreciate it because i won't be the one getting squished by the closing doors.

there are fundamental differences between males and females, and there's nothing wrong with acknowledging it. so to all the boys who read this blog, chivalry is always appreciated.


  • I agree. I love when guys open the door for you! Any girl who says they don't like that is a LIAR! So when someone opens the door for you and lets you go in first to Subway, do you let him order first because he WAS first? I don't! hahaha
    I'll have to pay attention to see if Matt walks on the outside....I'm sure he does anyway. Well especially after he reads your blog!! hahaha

    By Blogger Rosanna =), at 10:37 AM  

  • Of course I do because I married a princess...and she'd kill me if I didn't.

    By Blogger Swedish Sensation, at 12:40 AM  

  • i believe i am the princess in the family. my name is diana, after all.

    By Blogger diana, at 8:54 PM  

  • And you wanna marry prince william...so u wanna marry your son? ewwwww.....

    By Blogger Rosanna =), at 11:12 PM  

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