up in the big smoke

Friday, December 16, 2005

i am being brainwashed

there must be something in the toronto smog because i have a lower tolerance for other people's shit. i think i'm becoming more cynical and negative for my liking.

the other day, i was waiting in line for a coffee, and out of the corner of my eye, i saw this other woman off to the side. it looked like she was budding into the line, so i didn't make eye contact with her and just ordered when i got to the counter. as it turned out, the people before her were lining up incorrectly, so she was too, but she wasn't trying to bud in. i felt kinda bad about assuming she in the wrong. the edmonton me would have probably just let her bud into line, whether or not i was there before her, but not the toronto me.

than today, i was waiting for the subway, and this group of three came up and stood right in front of me. and not a normal distance in front of me, like a foot in front of me. when the guy reached over to hug one of the girls, i had to move my head because they were that close that i was scared his arm would hit my face. the subway platform is like over 200 metres long, but they decide to stand right in front of me. i moved to the side, and even rolled my eyes!

maybe it's because i'm working in a store during the christmas season and it's making me crazy because everyone's stressed out when trying to finish their christmas shopping. or maybe living in toronto just does this to a person. i told someone at work that i'm from edmonton, and he said "no wonder you're so homely." i kinda took offense to it, at first, but i rather be homely than a bitch. i can't wait to get home and wash the toronto snobbery off of me.

or maybe i was just a pushover before.

a little bit of 'A' and a little bit of 'B'.


  • I think your just too nice Di. You need to get a little bit more a bitch attitude in you. To be honest, I don't think anyone puts up with that shit here either. I think the difference is you don't speak up. Next time someone tries to bud in front of you at a coffee shop....buy 2 coffees...one for yourself and throw the other one in the persons face and run away.

    By Blogger Swedish Sensation, at 1:21 AM  

  • Yeah, and next time someone stands RIGHT in front of you on a subway platform, push them onto the tracks! As you can see, my husband and I would make very good Torontonians...HAHAHAHAHA

    By Blogger Rosanna =), at 12:40 PM  

  • Hehe, reading your post reminds me of the Arrogant Worms song...

    "I hate the skydome and the CN Tower too
    I hate Nathan Phillips Square and the Ontario Zoo
    The rent's too high, the air's unclean
    The beaches are dirty and the people are mean
    The water is polluted and the mayor's a dork
    They dress real bad and they think they're New York
    In Torontooooo..."

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:31 PM  

  • sweet song, i'm going to download it and make it my anthem.

    By Blogger diana, at 6:38 PM  

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