up in the big smoke

Sunday, January 01, 2006

airport security

going through airport security is usually pretty smooth for me. i don't have spare change or keys in my pockets, i take off my jacket, and put everything through the x-ray machine. but going through pearson, i beeped. the guy made me take off my shoes. i beeped again. then he made me take off my belt. i stopped beeping, but had to re-cloth myself before speed walking to the gate because my flight was already boarding.

then i had to change flights in regina. i thought i 'd get something to eat there since i didn't have time in toronto, but they only have a crappy cafeteria in the regina airport. when i walked through security, i contemplated taking off my belt to avoid all the hassle, but didn't. and then i didn't beep. i guess security isn't so tight in regina.


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