how old am i?
i'm always curious how old people think i am. generally, i think the majority of people think i am younger, which is a good thing. i don't get mad when i still get asked for my ID.
but it's hard to get an unbiased guess because you'd always have a frame of reference. for example, if i asked someone at work, they'd know i'm new to the company, a recent graduate, etc. if i asked a new acquaintance, they'd know me from someone else, and that person becomes their frame of reference. even if i ask a random stranger on the street, they'd still have something to guess from. i might be dressed in a hoodie and jeans by my house, which is right beside the U of T campus, so they'd think i'm young. but if i'm in a suit and on bay st, they might think i'm older.
one time, someone at work asked me how old i was. i should have asked her how old she thought i was before i answered. after i told her i was 24, she said she thought i was around 26. not because i looked older, but because she thought i was mature and articulate, and the fact that i moved out here by myself for a job made her think i was older. that's a better answer than saying i look old.
when i went into the bank this past summer, the teller saw my age pop up on the screen, she asked if i was 23, and i said yes, in which she replied "whoa, i thought you were 15 or something." i thought she was being ridiculous.
and then yesterday, i met my aunt's sisters for the first time, and both of them thought i was younger. like way younger. one of them said i was 8 years older than what she thought i was! she said she thought i was around the same age as my two cousins, they just turned 15. maybe it was because i was hanging out with them watching harry potter, rather than the adults playing mah jong. i don't know if i look 8 years younger, but it's better than looking 8 years older.
here's to having asian genes.
but it's hard to get an unbiased guess because you'd always have a frame of reference. for example, if i asked someone at work, they'd know i'm new to the company, a recent graduate, etc. if i asked a new acquaintance, they'd know me from someone else, and that person becomes their frame of reference. even if i ask a random stranger on the street, they'd still have something to guess from. i might be dressed in a hoodie and jeans by my house, which is right beside the U of T campus, so they'd think i'm young. but if i'm in a suit and on bay st, they might think i'm older.
one time, someone at work asked me how old i was. i should have asked her how old she thought i was before i answered. after i told her i was 24, she said she thought i was around 26. not because i looked older, but because she thought i was mature and articulate, and the fact that i moved out here by myself for a job made her think i was older. that's a better answer than saying i look old.
when i went into the bank this past summer, the teller saw my age pop up on the screen, she asked if i was 23, and i said yes, in which she replied "whoa, i thought you were 15 or something." i thought she was being ridiculous.
and then yesterday, i met my aunt's sisters for the first time, and both of them thought i was younger. like way younger. one of them said i was 8 years older than what she thought i was! she said she thought i was around the same age as my two cousins, they just turned 15. maybe it was because i was hanging out with them watching harry potter, rather than the adults playing mah jong. i don't know if i look 8 years younger, but it's better than looking 8 years older.
here's to having asian genes.
most people think i'm in my mid to late 30's.
Swedish Sensation, at 9:28 PM
If I shave I lose about 4 years.
Knowing you makes it hard to objecively reply to your post, but I would say that you do look younger than you are.
Ryan, at 12:33 AM
I always thought you were way older than 24.. like I thought you're 26. It's hard to believe you're (only) 9 years older than me.
I always thought your sister was like breaking 30 this year.
But then again, there's Ed, who seems alot younger than 21
Anonymous, at 2:49 AM
damn you michael.
and i didn't think i was 9 years older than you either, i thought i was less.
diana, at 8:09 PM
BREAKING 30??!!! what the hell??!!! I'm turning 28 this year!
I'm not afraid of turning 30 anyway....30 is the new 20! hahaha
Early this year when matt and i were at Outback Steakhouse, I was denied being served a Wallaby Darned (slushy peachy drink) because I didn't have my ID on me! That means the waitress thought I was at least 10 years younger!!! holy crap! Tell me I look 10 years younger when I'm 40, but not 27!
Rosanna =), at 11:24 PM
...and regarding matt's first comment; most people DO think he's what was the waitress thinking?? Some 30-something year old guy with a minor?? ew.
Rosanna =), at 11:25 PM
Pulease! Isn't Matt actually younger than you? Not by much. I still remember when I met Matt he told me he was like 17 or something. And I would've believed him too if you hadn't told me how old he was before. hahaha.
How come nobody thinks I look younger than I am?? U all suck.
Kathy, at 12:28 PM
michael, i was thinking about it, weren't you born in 1988? i'm only 7 years younger than you! yessss!
diana, at 6:35 PM
and if 30 is the new 20, i'm still a teenager.
diana, at 6:36 PM
oh yeah, I guess it is 7 years. It was your sister who is 9 years my senior.
(dayumn! that's old)
Anonymous, at 8:14 PM
she's 10 years your senior! brush up on those math skills dude.
diana, at 8:54 PM
whatever, i didn't count. I just guestimated
Anonymous, at 12:05 AM
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