up in the big smoke

Monday, October 16, 2006


heroes is fast becoming my favourite new show this season. it's on tonight, if you haven't seen it yet. and on sunday, they're doing a marathon of the previous 3 episodes that have been on.

basically, it's about all these random people all around the world (mainly in the states), and they are all slowly becoming aware of their special powers. one guy can fly, another can teleport to the future, and another can hear people's thoughts.

then to throw a wrench into everything, there was this professor who was trying to track these people down, and then he gets murdered. so now his son is trying to finish his work for him. and there are all these weird murders happening and the fbi are attributing them to this guy named syler. the murdered people are usually missing their brains. the adopted father of the girl in high school, who basically can't die no matter what she does to hurt herself, is also on the hunt for these heroes, and has just found out his daughter is one of them.

anyways, i'm sure i'm not doing this show justice by explaining it, but it's good. you have to watch it.


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