up in the big smoke

Monday, October 16, 2006

public service announcement

(michael - i'm stealing your PSA idea)

when walking on the streets, please try to walk straight!

something that is becoming one of my pet peeves are people who can't walk straight, and end up walking into my path. this happened to me twice today, and i was thoroughly annoyed. i'm walking straight, minding my own business, listening to my music. when someone in front of me decides they can't walk straight, and slowly sways into my path. and i walk fast, so i end up having to halt a bit, change direction, and walk around them.

now, if this person was already walking in front of me, then i'll give them the benefit of the doubt and not get as annoyed with them b/c they don't know i'm behind them. but really, they should be able to walk straight regardless. but this afternoon, this girl and i were waiting at the crosswalk for the light to change, and she still proceeds to walk diagonally into my path.

i'm beginning to think i'm invisible.


  • I hate it when ppl DRIVE like that. Di, you are invisible, I haven't seen you in years! Where are you?

    By Blogger Kathy, at 10:17 AM  

  • good point on the driving. but since i don't have a car, my feet are my mode of transportation.

    hmmmm, also a good point....i haven't seen you in ages either!

    By Blogger diana, at 6:45 PM  

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