up in the big smoke

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

workout ideas

this is a post to ask for suggestions.

for those of you who don't know, i'm going to hawaii for a week in february. i'm super excited about it for a few reasons:

a. i've never been to hawaii before.
b. i love vacation time.
c. i won't be at work.
d. i'm going with 4 other good friends from home (although we now live in toronto, calgary, vancouver and edmonton).
e. girls trip!

so hawaii means bathing suit territory. obviously, it's not realistic to lose dramatic amounts of weight in a month, and in no way am i delusional to think so. but does anyone have any ideas of things i could do to be a little more active this month? i don't have a gym membership, and in no way do i intend to sign up for one, so going to the gym is out of the question.

i walk to and from work everyday, so that's a good 40 mins of walking a day i do. this week, i have walked up my stairs in my building when i get home from work, and i live on the 15th floor.

any ideas of what else i can do?


  • I don't know how's your diet. The only time I successfully lost some pounds was to cut down the amount of food I ate, especially dinner. Also break down one big meal into several small ones, but eat only when you are hungry. It was quite successful. But now I can't further trim down the amount of food I eat and therefore can't lose any weight anymore :(
    Also, walking up and down the stairs too much is not good for your knees, especially downstairs. Make sure you won't overwork them when you are trying to do more exercise.
    Have a great time in Hawaii.

    By Blogger Ida's Studio, at 10:00 AM  

  • Do something to increase muscle mass. It will help you burn more calories even you're doing nothing. and it will help to tone which may be more noticable than any few lbs off the scale.

    or go buy a cute wrap to wear! :)

    By Blogger Kathy, at 3:24 PM  

  • I just won't wear a bathing suit...I'll wear a scuba suit on the beach!! hahahaha
    When it's just matt and I, I don't really care and I don't think about how fat I am, but it's different when you're going with friends! Like when we went to vegas with Jeff and Kathy, I didn't even think about it until I got to the pool and I'm like, shit, they're going to see me half nekkid! But who cares when you have a lazy river!!weeeeee!

    By Blogger Rosanna =), at 4:42 PM  

  • i want to go to the lazy river this year!

    By Blogger Swedish Sensation, at 5:05 PM  

  • i would like to state the last two comments were not in line to my post, thus, not helpful.

    By Blogger diana, at 8:50 PM  

  • Jeff was worried about being half nekkid too. LOL. Just Kidding. Swimwear is just a cruel joke. Spandex? Are you kidding me? No. Of course exercise and diet are important, being healthy is important. But if it's really an issue, buy a flattering suit. That's the best you can do. But when you look around, a small percentage of ppl have perfect physiques for swimwear anyways, so how bad can you really feel?

    MAN i miss that lazy river. Especially the margaritas.

    I think SOMEONE needs to wear the Borat Banana Hammock this year.

    By Blogger Kathy, at 11:55 PM  

  • you can't really do much in a month, but light intensity exercise burns more fat (over other energy sources) than really vigorous activity. but the thing is vigorous activity burns more calories, which usually is better. walking is good though, just walk lots.

    By Blogger ed, at 12:08 AM  

  • heres an idea then....since my other post wasn't useful. from the time you get home to the time you go to bed..do squats.

    By Blogger Swedish Sensation, at 11:50 AM  

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