up in the big smoke

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

back "home"

so i'm back in toronto after my whirlwind 6 day trip back to edmonton. it was good to go home though, i shopped and ate lots, hard to say which one i did more of though.

i've become accustomed to my new life in toronto though, and it took me going home to edmonton to really feel it. i am used to my big comfy bed, i don't know how i ever slept on that hard twin size mattress. my mornings are all about routine, and having to pack up everything and establish a routine in a different place throws me off for the first while. and not having a car in edmonton is difficult. i am stranded if no one can come get me. good thing i have friends with cars.

side note - ed FOB'ed out the car since i've left. it's like someone threw up japanese anime toys all over the inside. i'm exaggerating now, but i never thought he'd do something like that. next thing you know, he'll be giving the double peace signs when he's in a picture.

going to calgary for the day trip was awesome too. it was like old times with the gang. we're all still the same, just with jobs and all that. even though we're 24, some of us sure don't act that way. do mature people actually have contests to see who is the most mature? my answer is no, but there was a contest, and i was a judge.

i took advantage of shopping without PST. it was good, and i bought lots. when we were shopping, i told rose that i was shopping like a person with money. not even a rich person, just someone who had enough disposable income to shop the way i was shopping. but i've always been like that and it's hard to change. i almost couldn't fit everything into my suitcase when i was packing, but it wasn't all clothes from shopping. i even got a 'heavy' sticker on my suitcase on the way back!

big shout out to matt for holding our shopping bags while we shopped. i thank you, but my bank account does not. you were right though, you freed up our hands to shop more, and that's exactly what i did. if i was holding all those bags, i probably wouldn't have bought as much. there's a fine line between feeling good about carrying lots of bags because i bought lots, and holding too many bags and getting tired from shopping. i would have crossed that line if you weren't there. (for a complete listing of my great buys, it's all in the comment section of rose's blog).

i still didn't get to see everyone though. adam - i called you, but no answer. i'll have to catch you another time.

now i'm back in my adopted home, but i think it's fast losing the adopted title. i'm still an edmontonian at heart though.


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