up in the big smoke

Sunday, January 22, 2006

i'm scared of moving

today i helped a friend move. like me, she has roommates, and didn't have to buy furniture like a couch or kitchen table. basically, she has stuff in her room. but boy, was there lots of stuff though.

we didn't even have to move the big stuff, like her bed, because she's getting movers for that. but there were still bags and boxes full of other stuff. by a quick estimation, my room is roughly double her room's size, and i definitely have double, if not more, stuff than her.

which brings me to the title of this blog.....i'm scared of moving. i don't want to even think about the day i have to move because it'll probably take me a whole week straight to pack. and then at least a week to unpack. coming to toronto, i brought 4 suitcases, sent 5 boxes by greyhound, and had my parents bring me a box of winter clothes when they came to visit. i have accumulated more stuff since then.

i'll be moving in about a year and a half though, because both my roommates will be graduating from university. which means i really should be saving money because the next time i move, i want to be moving into my own place, one where i will own and pay a mortgage on. saving money isn't exactly my strong point, but i'd like to think i could do it. i saved enough money to go on two big trips, i should be able to save money for a down payment. i don't want to be paying rent for the rest of my life.

and when i get my own place, i want a nice flat screen tv with HD. there's nothing like watching a hockey game on HDTV. it's effen amazing.

damn growing up and making grown up decisions.


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