billy talent are coming to do a show in february.
alexisonfire are doing 4 club shows in december. 4 shows back to back, at different venues.
the presale for all 5 shows started this morning. i bought tickets to billy talent, and 2 of the 4 AOF shows.
some might think it's crazy to buy tickets to 2 shows of the same band on the same tour, but i don't think so. i didn't buy back to back days, i get a day of no-AOF in between the two. and i figure it'll be easy to sell the tickets if i decide i don't want them. i can post something on craig's list or a message on the AOF myspace page, and that should get rid of them easily.
some might also think it's crazy to buy tickets to shows where i don't even know who i'm going with. but this is my concert philosophy. if there's a show i want to see, i usually just buy 2 tickets and ask around later to find someone to go with. so far, it hasn't been too difficult to find someone to go with, but i don't know anyone who likes billy talent or AOF, so this time around, it might be a different story.
ah well, if i have to end up giving the ticket to someone to come with me, i'll do it, but i'm not missing these shows.
and as a follow up to my last post...i accomplished most of my list. slept lots. cleaned my room (not to the extent that i would have liked). ironed and put away my laundry. did an entourage season 2 marathon on monday (i love this show!). ripped some CDs to my computer (got up to the letter "I"). watched both oilers games on tv, but fell asleep for most of them. and did some work. so all in all, a good weekend.